We have partnered with FedEx and DHL to make the worldwide shipping and import process very simple for the customer. Currently we have a 100% success rate with on time worldwide delivery and seamless customs clearance, so we are confident you will have a simple and easy purchasing experience. Simply add your selections to your Cart and go to checkout to see live shipping costs to your area.
You have the option to pay your local duties and taxes at checkout by selecting DHL Express Shipping (Duties and Taxes Included). This option will ensure the quickest and easiest import of your order and will be shipped on DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) trade terms. You will not have to pay anything further.
If you select DHL Express Shipping (Duties and Taxes Excluded) then all products are shipped from the UK and exported with 0% VAT. Your delivery will be through DAP (Delivery at Place) trade terms. This means, you as the customer is responsible for any taxes, duties and handling charges on the imports to your country and are not included in the price you have paid to us. The duties and taxes will be collected by FedEx or DHL, not by Stashed Products. If you are a business, we recommend this option to ensure you can claim any import VAT back.
Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email from FedEx or DHL with a payment link for any duties and taxes payable so your order clears customs. Please ensure payment is made as soon as possible, otherwise delays could occur with your delivery.
If you select DHL Express Shipping (Duties and Taxes Excluded) and do not make payment to DHL for Duties and Taxes, then your order will be returned to Stashed Products. We will issue a refund for your order minus the original shipping cost, import duty and taxes to your country (this is pre-paid by DHL and is non-refundable), return shipping cost and an administrative fee for restocking your order.